Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Duck, Duck, Goose

Otherwise known as "Technorati asked me to put this code (YH3Q47P95FPA) somewhere in a post". And since I'm trying to get all my techie duckies in a row, I complied.

As you can see, I've updated the blog look and feel. You can find me on Pinterest, DeviantArt (no comments about how I'm such a deviant!), Etsy, Cafe Press and elsewhere on the Interwebz. Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep all this stuff straight?

It reminds me of 2000 when I had 15 different email addresses... And a GeoCities account. Y'all remember those days of sprakly internets, right?

Anyways, I'm getting all hip to this new technology stuff.





Is that a freaky music video or WHAT? But I can't help but move to the beat. Even if it is Chucky at the wheel.


Harry Potter Fans said...

I love it!!!!! So cool!!!! So perfect!!!!! Visit our blog

Unknown said...

very good video.baju gamis modern