Friday, July 02, 2010

Pantai Indah Kapuk

Or more literally "Beautiful Kapuk Beach". Which is ironic considering that the beaches of Jakarta are - to quote the family - NASTY and SMELLY. However since we're not referring to the ~actual~ beach, but rather the grandiose (think Jan Crouch on crack) Mediterranean-inspired complex that includes a well-known golf course, Waterbom Jakarta water park, town houses that are incredibly gorgeous on the outside but - according to family - pretty ordinary on the inside and mahal* to boot and the Clubhouse Acasia where the kids are taking their swimming lessons this summer.
One month family membership to PIKFit: 670.000Rp. ($67+/-USD)
EIGHT Private swimming lessons with English-speaking teacher for three kids: 560.000Rp x 3 ($56USD x 3)
Seeing your oldest child learn to swim on the first lesson: PRICELESS

*Mahal: Expensive

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